

Spoof Android Apps Threaten Personal Data

A newly discovered bug in Android could potentially allow malicious software to rummage through your data or even steal your hard earned cash. That’s the news from two security researchers at Intel who say they have managed to build an app that does those very things.

For those unfamiliar with Android whenever you download an app you are presented with a list of the various services and information that that particular app will have access to. If you decide that the app will have too much access to your data you can decide not to install it.

Well the two researchers have managed to build a ’spoof app’, basically it’s an app that appears harmless itself, but which then downloads other apps that do the dirty work. The researchers created a level pack for Angry Birds to demonstrate the bug and the spoof level pack could then be used to download apps that tracked the user’s location or even sent paid for texts.

It’s a pretty serious bug and Google won’t want it lying around for long so hopefully we see a fix coming out soon. Until then make sure you only download from reputable publishers and that any apps you install really are what they say they are.

Źródło: Spoof Android Apps Threaten Personal Data

Category: Sony Ericsson | Tags: None

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