Grudzień 30, 2012

Apple iPad & MicroSIM

Yes i know to most of you out there this information about the iPad using a MicroSIM is not new to you, but for most of you in the Middle-East hungry for an iPad ...
Category: Modele Telefonów | Leave a Comment

Grudzień 30, 2012

Nokia Got It Right, No Strings Attached…

The sense of freedom, the sense of mobility, the outstanding feeling of knowing you left nothing behind. The Nokia Booklet 3G, where do I start? , but first let me make a statement. The ...
Category: Modele Telefonów | Leave a Comment

Grudzień 29, 2012

Smartfon za 0 zł na start w Noworocznej FORMULE – nowa kampania

Play wraz  z Agencją Grandes Kochonos przygotował noworoczną kampanię promującą najpopularniejszy smartfon w ofercie PLAY. 15-sekundowy spot pokazuje zalety Samsunga Galaxy S Advance – duży, ergonomicznie wygięty wyświetlacz oraz wysokiej jakości wykończenie. Wyświetlacz  Super ...
Category: PLAY | Leave a Comment

Grudzień 29, 2012

Smartfon za 0 zł na start w Noworocznej FORMULE – nowa kampania

Play wraz  z Agencją Grandes Kochonos przygotował noworoczną kampanię promującą najpopularniejszy smartfon w ofercie PLAY. 15-sekundowy spot pokazuje zalety Samsunga Galaxy S Advance – duży, ergonomicznie wygięty wyświetlacz oraz wysokiej jakości wykończenie. Wyświetlacz  Super ...
Category: PLAY | Leave a Comment

Grudzień 29, 2012

Looking back on the Nokia Gear of 2012

TweetI love the whole process of taking something new out of the box and turning it on for the first time. It’s like a little bit of magic where you are bringing something to ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Grudzień 29, 2012

Dean Pattrick: My Windows Phone 8 Start screen

TweetThere’s little chance that you wouldn’t recognise one of Nokia Music’s greatest evangelists on a trip to Nokia House. Just look out for the man with the rockabilly hairstyle; not one, but two pairs ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Grudzień 29, 2012

Nokia Connects Christmas: Future

The future is in your hands TweetBy now you should have read what’s happened in the past and what’s happening right now in the world of Nokia Connects, but what does the future hold? Well, ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Grudzień 29, 2012

Nokia Maps, Drive, Transport and City Lens: answering your questions

TweetIf you have found a beautiful Nokia Lumia with Windows Phone 8 under the Christmas tree, you might wonder how to make the most out of it. We created a handy overview to guide ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Grudzień 29, 2012

Looking back on the Nokia Gear of 2012

TweetI love the whole process of taking something new out of the box and turning it on for the first time. It’s like a little bit of magic where you are bringing something to ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Grudzień 29, 2012

Dean Pattrick: My Windows Phone 8 Start screen

TweetThere’s little chance that you wouldn’t recognise one of Nokia Music’s greatest evangelists on a trip to Nokia House. Just look out for the man with the rockabilly hairstyle; not one, but two pairs ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

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