Wrzesień 29, 2012

iPhone 5 – video recenzja

No dobra, poświęciłem swój egzemplarz dla nauki i przeprowadziłem na nim podstawowe badania. Chciałem sprawdzić czy ten smartfon jest rzeczywiście rewelacją, albo jak chcą niektórzy rozczarowaniem sezonu. more_link_text
Category: PLAY | Leave a Comment

Wrzesień 29, 2012

iPhone 5 – video recenzja

No dobra, poświęciłem swój egzemplarz dla nauki i przeprowadziłem na nim podstawowe badania. Chciałem sprawdzić czy ten smartfon jest rzeczywiście rewelacją, albo jak chcą niektórzy rozczarowaniem sezonu. more_link_text
Category: PLAY | Leave a Comment

Wrzesień 29, 2012

Sony Xperia T is hitting the stores today!

There were many rumors that Sony delays the phone to Q1/2013. But around 20 minutes ago Sony Mobile GB announced the release of their new flagship Sony Xperia T. It will hit the shops ...
Category: Sony Ericsson | Leave a Comment

Wrzesień 29, 2012

ICS update lets you use Xperia™ sola with your gloves on [video]

If you’ve ever tried to use your smartphone in the freezing cold, no doubt you’ve had to take your gloves off in order to use it. Or maybe you’ve spent money on special smartphone ...
Category: Sony Ericsson | Leave a Comment

Wrzesień 29, 2012

Let your app stay on top with Small Apps for Xperia™ Tablet S [SDK]

We recently announced the Xperia Tablet S, which includes a new, unique functionality called Small Apps. Small Apps are special miniature apps that run on top of other applications, to enable true multi-tasking. And ...
Category: Sony Ericsson | Leave a Comment

Wrzesień 29, 2012

How to develop energy and network efficient apps [tutorial]

App developers, do you want to enhance your user experience, and reduce the power consumption & improve the network efficiency of your app? Håkan Jonsson from our Technology department has picked out some areas ...
Category: Sony Ericsson | Leave a Comment

Wrzesień 29, 2012

How to develop energy and network efficient apps [tutorial]

App developers, do you want to enhance the user experience, and reduce the power consumption & improve the network efficiency of your app?  We are happy to share our knowledge in the area, and ...
Category: Sony Ericsson | Leave a Comment

Wrzesień 29, 2012

7 ways the Snapdragon S4 makes the Nokia Lumia 920 amazing

Tweet Thanks to mind-blowing innovations from chip manufacturers like Qualcomm, we’re taking more pictures, watching higher quality video, and surfing faster than ever on our smartphones. But what does the future hold? With the ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Wrzesień 29, 2012

A glimpse inside Nokia’s material world

TweetThe beautiful look and finish of Nokia’s brand new smartphones, the Nokia Lumia 920 and the Lumia 820, have caught the attention of many people. Erik Kain, of Forbes.com, wrote of the Lumia 920: “I love ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Wrzesień 29, 2012

Nokia app reviews: Camera Extras and more

TweetTime for our weekly round-up of the apps that have been grabbing my attention this week. From taking better photos and tweaking them to choosing your own fate in an interactive zombie apocalypse adventure, ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

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