Sierpień 31, 2010

A w PLAY po 12 miesiącach całkiem nowy telefon

Teraz w PLAY istnieje możliwość wymiany telefonu już po 12-tu miesiącach od aktywacji W PLAY Klient nie musi już czekać do końca swojej umowy by zakupić nowy telefon w promocyjnej cenie zgodnie z aktualnym ...
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Sierpień 31, 2010

Basketball fans: Have you got FIBA fever?

The ‘World Cup’ of basketball – the FIBA World Championships – started on Saturday… and we’re out here in sunny Turkey to enjoy all the action! To support this feast of basketball, we’ve created the ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Sierpień 31, 2010

Why we should celebrate the camera phone’s conquest of the world

If, ten years ago, you’d told a camera fanatic that one day camera phones would conquer the world, you’d have been laughed at. Today, those very same fanatics are showcasing their work in exhibitions ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Sierpień 31, 2010

Nokia Conversations getting a brand new look

GLOBAL – We’ve been working hard behind the scenes this summer (well, the team have, I’ve been on holiday mostly) to bring you a brand new look for Nokia Conversations. We’re looking all set ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Sierpień 31, 2010

Better images with HDR Capture and Low-Light Assistant (experimental research prototypes for Nokia N900)

Written by Kari Pulli, Nokia Fellow and the head of the Visual Computing and Ubiquitous Imaging research team at NRC Palo Alto. Cameras are unfortunately not as adaptable as the human eye, and ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Sierpień 29, 2010

Bollywood meets Canada and You’re invited too

Because we know how much you love competitions, we decided to let you know about yet another one which is going to inspire both Bollywood fans and gadget gurus. This contest, offered by ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Sierpień 28, 2010

Konkurs Pleex

Szukamy nowej nazwy dla usługi kopii zapasowej – Pleex. Nagroda to telefon. Więcej o samej usłudze przeczytacie tutaj :—kopia-zapasowa-kontaktow/index.html Pozdrawiam serdecznie z bardzo daleka! more_link_text
Category: PLAY | Leave a Comment

Sierpień 28, 2010

Are you an Ovi fan? Would you like to be interviewed for the Ovi Blog?

If you answered “hell yeah!” (or something similar) to the questions above, you’re just the person that I’m looking for! God, did that sound like the start of a Classifieds ad? Ew. Anyway, we’re starting ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Sierpień 28, 2010

We have our three Nokia World competition winners!!

We finally have the info from our honorable Ovi jury and we will now tell you who our very, very lucky Nokia World 2010 competition winners are. These three will get flights and accommodation ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

Sierpień 28, 2010

Friday’s Pick and Mix #15

GLOBAL – Welcome once more to Friday’s round-up of the interesting posts from the furthest reaches of the World Wide Web. If it’s mobile and it’s worth having a think or a chuckle over, ...
Category: NOKIA EUROPA | Leave a Comment

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