

Nokia X6, worth listening to … YES!!

It’s been 2 weeks running around and doing everything the Nokia X6 (Special thanks to IPN & Nokia). Calling, Socializing, chatting, mailing … got the device on max output.

The Nokia X6 is a change from the usual Nokia resistive touch devices; Nokia finally gave in and put a capacitive touch screen. Was it a good idea? Maybe.  I say that because, the UI is still based on the stylus platform and some of the options and the way to go through the phone don’t comply with the edge of your thick finger. Needless to say, a firmware update can fix the issues of UI touch and make it compatible with the device. Having the N97 from it’s birth, I can spot the fixes made on the N97 UI but not transferred to the X6 Series.

The only issue I faced with this device is during phone calling. I was really shocked when my phone kept going to speaker mode when I was talking. Then after a few seconds it clicks to me that there was no proximity sensor on the front of the device. What happened guys? This is capacitive; it’s even more sensitive than resistive. A proximity sensor is priority number one. Please note that it doesn’t happen all the time, but it does.

The on screen keyboard is right in size, did not have any issue typing in text messages and looooooog emails as I usual send. It actually felt well designed, types like a normal qwerty.

The best feature Nokia has made available for this mobile device is “Comes With Music”, now I’ve heard of some people having issues setting up their Music Store on their computers. I had no issue what so ever, click click I was in. Activation of the account was easy and downloading your favorite tunes was seriously a click away. Nokia has truly touched an area where most of my research group I asked about ‘comes with music’ all had the same answer, now that’s your money’s worth.

“Comes With Music” or CWM, has made the X6 to me a phone worth buying and enjoying. It fits all tastes and you can conduct most of your business as usual with its mobile computing abilities. So far I have downloaded all my favorite oldies, which I enjoy while working. The battery life is acceptable, where I would have to stick it in the charger before I sleep.  Now I’m not the best battery consumer out there, I’ve got my work email, personal email(s) on push. 3G available all the time, Socializing – Facebook and Twitter and the list goes on. If you’re a music lover and truly relies on their music because they have an open plan office the X6 16GB or 32GB is a great choice.

Daily handling, the size of the X6 fits in most pockets and it is light in weight. Ive had no issues with keeping it in my pocket and using my BH-904 Bluetooth headset. It’s worth listening to …

Nokia X6 Hardware and UI Update article next week ….

Please watch the Nokia X6 Unboxing Video on my Youtube channel:

Nokia X6 Unboxing Video

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Apple iPad & MicroSIM

Yes i know to most of you out there this information about the iPad using a MicroSIM is not new to you, but for most of you in the Middle-East hungry for an iPad in your hands; HOLD YOUR HORSES!!! Let me first say that 100% of all GSM operators in the world use the default SIM size. Now good old Steve has given a nudge to the telecom operators around the world.

Apple’s big reveal of 2010 was the glorious iPad, some have given their critical analysis of the device. I say the device will pick up like any Apple device in the market. Now the jolt that the mobile industry got was that the iPad uses a MicroSIM enable it to use 3G. Apple’s tie or (love/hate) relationship with AT&T gave it a heads up on orders of MicroSIMS to deliver its service to its customers in the US.

So what is the (MicroSIM) : The 3FF SIM card, or the micro SIM, is 52% smaller than a regular SIM card so instead of a 15 x 25mm card you get a 12 x 15mm one. It’s still a GSM SIM so it will work in most markets. Now I believe Apple’s attempt to lock the SIM during the iPhone launch days blew up in their face.

Last, This MicroSIM isn’t an industry stopper is it. Well no, most operators are going to offer a this MicroSIM as a bundle package with the iPad. I say why bother, request a twin SIM from your local operator, shave the new SIM with plastic or acrylic filer and your good to go. Haven’t tested it myself, I will surely let you know if it works as soon as my iPad lands.

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Nokia Got It Right, No Strings Attached…

The sense of freedom, the sense of mobility, the outstanding feeling of knowing you left nothing behind. The Nokia Booklet 3G, where do I start? , but first let me make a statement. The Nokia Booklet 3G is a ‘Netbook’ and not a laptop so treat it as such.

Design, Size, Weight, Screen are flawless. I couldn’t say anything else, because I was surely impressed on how much Nokia put thought into this device. Speed for me is just fine; some have complained about its RAM and processor, frankly I would tell them they have no idea about computer mechanics. There is something they haven’t noticed and people like me would pay top dollars for. That is the NO FAN option, finally can sit in bed and not disturb anyone with the whizzing sound of the cooling fan. Plus what more can you ask from a netbook, use it as it was design and supposed to be used so just plug in a 2GB Flash drive and use it as a ReadyBoost or have you totally forgot about that?. Coming back to the essential elements of this device, using the 3G gave me the ability to sit where and when ever I want. No Dongles, Bluetooth, or Cable connections required. Power on and connect, simply amazing feeling you’ve got knowing you can get what you want in no time. The Nokia Booklet 3G is such a good device that I know use it as my own corporate computer device. Called in IT and asked them to remove my bulky laptop back it up on the local network so I could access it on my booklet. My desk is so clean right now it’s not even funny. I put this device to the ultimate test on the first day of work, dropped my notebook pens and every manual item you can possibly take to a meeting. Fired up OneNote, held a 3 hour meeting took all the notes I needed on my Booklet, attached pictures from my N900 and I was the first one out of the door. Didn’t have to gather all my papers, put together my laptop disconnect my charger, and wind up all sorts of wires. The best part I even leave quicker, All I’ve got is my Booklet and I’m out, charger is at home.

Last but not least, and I know most of you want to hear some partially negative things about this device and I don’t blame you. Nothing is perfect, and yes for some the Nokia Booklet is not the perfect device. But I can highlight some things that can be on the list of improvements for the RX-80 probably. First I would love a touch screen integration, which would make things a lot faster for me. The keyboard keys to be backlit, would make a big difference in low light environments. The ‘Ctrl’ key to be on the very left instead of the ‘fn’ key. More Nokia related software built-in, to control the connectivity. Would love a remote viewer built-in so I could make calls with my device but talk and hear it through my booklet or my BH-504 connected to my booklet. Why bother all your customers with the SIM lock by AT&T, It’s very easy to crack save us the hassle and include a Nokia UI for the SIM connectivity.

Final review thought, if you’re looking for being connected ‘Full Internet As It Happens’ the Nokia Booklet 3G is the device for you. If you’re a laptop speed oriented and has 16 million applications and programs the Nokia Booklet 3G won’t do for you. If you’re a on the move business person, looking for agility and essential connectivity, the Nokia Booklet 3G serves every single part of that.

Nokia Booklet 3G

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The N900, One Giant Step For Man Kind. …

The N900, One Giant Step For Man Kind.

Who would have thought 2009 would bring the first revolution in mobile communication devices. Come to think of it, MOCOM 2020 wasn’t far at all. I recently purchased the Nokia N900 as a Mobile Computer, and not as a primary mobile phone. Only because I knew the device was not designed to be a phone. I carry the marvelous N97 2.0 as a primary mobile phone.

The N900 is a great mobile computing device in many ways. First let me start that it is a linux based Maemo device. Open Source will open up boundaries never thought in Mobile devices. Nokia is leaping forward into that world with its PUSH project. If your use to Nokia UI or Symbian, the Maemo will take a bit getting use to. Just keep in mind that it’s a computer and not a Mobile phone and the UI will be as snappy as any other device you have handled. The N900’s ability to multi task, and when I mean multi task I mean 35 (tested by me) as the same time. Lag? Huh … what’s that. People tried to compare the (iPhone) to our N900. That’s where the misconception ends. The iphone is a phone just like its name, whereas the N900 is a mobile computer. If you know Nokia you would know that the RX series are mobile computers. The Nokia Booklet 3G is an RX-75, it’s Netbook Computer with 3G capabilities, So does the N900 only difference is that the N900 today can make calls thanks to the SIM card in it for 3G internet connectivity.
If you’re a person always on the go, need a powerful device that can do anything. When I mean anything , I really mean anything. I firmly advice your purchase to be a Nokia N900. Emailing with Nokia Messaging, The full brower, makes your life easier and effective. You never need to sit on a PC for simple tasks like seeing a flash site or checking out a website your office sent you.
Nothing is without fault, there are several ‘minor’ adjustments that Nokia is working on. Mail for Exchange doesn’t really work with server 2003. It’s a software compatibility issue, so no worries it will be solved. Other than that, I never had to force shutdown the device by removing the battery. The best feature of this device is that is so smooth that even it’s email alert tones are magnificently chosen. I tend to long for emails just to hear my N900 alert me.

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NOKIA’s flagship mobile phone will be a …

NOKIA’s flagship mobile phone will be available on June 19th, in all GCC countries. Still no word on color options. According to the major GCC distributors, black will be the only color available on the first release. By mid July we’ll see the white rolling into stores, accessories will follow shortly.

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