

Your Nokia Lumia moments

Maybe inspired by Paul and Loki’s Lumia moments which they shared on Monday, maybe inspired by the Autumn weather, but there have been plenty of #MyLumiaMoments pics over the last couple of days.

The first Lumia Moments come from Frankie Bloise, who has been out and about with his Nokia Lumia 800 snapping pics like this for his Lumia Diaries:


He also shared another pic, that I have cropped somewhat (hope he doesn’t mind :)full version)


More Lumia Moments are flooding in *as I type*, so here’s one from Jey Si of a rare flowering in the back yard:


And a final pic from Elayne that I think is great (I have a liking for this type of photo):


So now it’s time to share your own Lumia Moments. The best will get themselves a trial of a phone (different to the one they took the pic on, of course) – so get snapping. Send them to us on Twitter (using #MyLumiaMoments) or as a comment on this post.

Źródło: Your Nokia Lumia moments

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