

Windows Phone 7 For Android (Sort Of)

MetroUI has been one of the standout features of Windows Phone 7 and now Android users can try it out (sort of) with a new theme released for Android devices.

The theme essentially makes your Android device look like a Windows Phone 7 device (sort of). To be clear though this is just a theme and to be blunt, not a very customisable one at that. The tiles don’t display any live data as they do on actual Windows Phone 7 devices, they are just shortcuts to launch apps.

The theme itself is restricted to either a dark or  alight colour scheme with no other colours being available for the background. You can at least change the icon colours. If you want to re-position any shortcuts you have to first remove them then re-attach them. A bit of a hassle really.

Annoyingly the rather spiffy animations found on actual Windows Phone handsets are not present.

If I’m not selling you on the benefits of this theme (which costs $2.99 by the way) then why not be convinced by the rather inappropriately excited tone of the music in this video?

Click here to view the embedded video.

[via Phandroid]

Źródło: Windows Phone 7 For Android (Sort Of)

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