

Using RSS feeds: get news and sport on your Nokia Asha


Mobile phones are great for keeping in touch, but they’re also fantastic when it comes to keeping up to date with the latest sports news and information. With smartphones like the Nokia Asha 308, there’s no need to ever miss a football scoreline again. Here’s how you can set up RSS feeds to catch the latest scores.

Nokia Asha phones have an RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) reader included as standard, meaning you can get the latest news and headlines delivered straight to your phone, without having to trawl websites every day. 

This is a great feature for football fans, as it lets you track the latest transfer news, scores, fixtures and any other newsworthy information.


To get started with RSS feeds on your Nokia Asha smartphone, open the News Reader app from the menu. The app will be empty by default; it’s down to you to populate it with the news channels that you find interesting, and in this instance there are loads of football specific RSS sites available.

To populate the News Reader with sporting content, you’ll need to know what sites are suitable. It’s easy to find sites that offer RSS feeds, thanks to a little square (often orange) icon with a few curved lines. If you see this icon on a webpage, it means you’ll be able to access an RSS news feed.


The BBC is a great example, providing a host of different RSS feeds to suit all tastes. Click on the ‘News Feeds’ link at the bottom of the site, and then click the ‘Football’ link on the right to get the latest football news. If you then click on the address bar at the top of the page, you’ll see the address you need for the RSS feed. You can’t copy/paste with the Asha, so instead write down the URL.


Open the News Reader app, and enter the BBC Football URL (it should be: The Reader will take a couple of seconds to process it, and then you’ll see a BBC Sport icon appear. When you click it, you’ll get all the latest football headlines and news. You can do the same with multiple other sites, giving you easy to read sports news in one place.


That’s just one way to add news feeds to your Nokia Asha smartphone though. If you don’t care about having all your news feeds in one location, the quickest and simplest solution for football fans is to download a dedicated news app, offering the information you’re interested in as soon as you launch the app.

Such solutions take advantage of Nokia’s WebApps technology, and there’s plenty of choice for discerning football fans. Here are a few of the options:

World Soccer News


Some of the apps below are specific to particular football clubs, but if you’re interested in the sport as a whole, then check out World Soccer News. With news and features from around the world, it’s a great source for information.

Football News

A comprehensive app for football news, you’ll find specific information on different clubs, latest scores, transfer information, match information and games analysis all on offer.

Red Devil


Red Devil provides an unofficial news stream for Manchester United FC, with everything from the latest games results to transfer news and interviews with players. If you’re a Man UTD fan, it’s a must-have.

The Blues


Manchester United aren’t the only club to get their own unofficial news feed, with Chelsea supporters also in on the action. This feed offers a similar set of features to Red Devil, with new news updates and features popping up automatically each time you open the app.



Most of the top clubs in England are represented when it comes to news apps, and Arsenal are no different. The Gunners app is split into four distinct sections: News, Points, Scores and Fixtures, so you’ll always have everything you need at your fingertips. 

Źródło: Using RSS feeds: get news and sport on your Nokia Asha

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