

Pin all your favourite destinations to start with Nokia Transport

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If you’re looking to travel across town, but don’t own a car, public transport is probably going to be the best way to get there. The latest version of Nokia Transport that we introduced last month has now moved from beta to commercial release. Grab it today.

Download Nokia Transport nowNokia Transport QR code

  1. Press the Search button on your Nokia Lumia and then tap Vision
  2. Scan the barcode
  3. Tap on the link when it appears on the screen
  4. Install the application from the Windows Phone Marketplace

For anybody frequenting the public transport, you’ll know that standing at the bus stop waiting for the next bus to arrive is a real bore. As is trying to find your destination once you get off the bus.

With Nokia Transport you can search for public transport routes from your current location to anywhere within the same city. The visual guide that follows will show you when it’s best to leave your house, how long it will take you to walk to the bus or train stop, the details of the journey itself and even give you an arrival time for your planned destination.

As you can see from the video above, once you’ve got off the bus Nokia Maps can guide you the rest of the journey if you don’t know how to get there. Plus, you can add all your favourite destinations to start screen if you want to travel back again any time soon.

If you decide to wander off the beaten path, the transport nearby option will show where the nearest transport link is.

Nokia Transport currently plans the best routes and departure times in over 100 cities and urban areas. While estimated route options are available in 450+ cities without timetables. There are plans to extend this further.

Nokia Transport runs on the Nokia Lumia 610, Nokia Lumia 710, Nokia Lumia 800 and the Nokia Lumia 900. Download it today, for free.

Important notice: there might be a publishing delay (1-2 days) on Windows Phone Marketplace in your country or region. The new version of Nokia Transport is labeled as, check for that version when you launch Windows Phone Marketplace and try to download. If you see, then it’s the old version of Nokia Transport. Just wait a bit until the Windows Phone Marketplace page updates. Thanks for your patience.

Źródło: Pin all your favourite destinations to start with Nokia Transport

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