Everybody’s got their favourite artists and bands but everybody loves to make a tip for the top. Recognising a relatively unknown talent and watching them rise to the top of the musical pile has always been running pastime for music fans and tastemakers.
Thing is though, I’m not even going to try…
Ones to watch. New music on Ovi: Spark
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Ones to watch. New music on Ovi: Spark
Everybody’s got their favourite artists and bands but everybody loves to make a tip for the top. Recognising a relatively unknown talent and watching them rise to the top of the musical pile has always been running pastime for music fans and tastemakers.
Thing is though, I’m not even going to try…
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Nokia N8 Producers Day! Two more amazing videos…
The competition for the zero gravity flight is really getting hot now! Remember final entries need to be sent in for the 6th of February when the competition closes, so keep that incredible video content coming!
Today, we’ve got two Nokia N8 Producer videos that make for great viewing.
Our first entry…
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The Travelling salesman – the competition continues!
We have now prolonged the contest due-date because of the newly launched Qt SDK Tech Preview 1.1, so you still have a chance to participate! You can send in your contributions until the end of March.
To make sure that you get most of the new Qt Quick tools, we are currently planning new 2 day Qt training…
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Nokia x Burton: Push Snowboarding – Episode 5: Work Rate
This is the final episode of the Push Snowboarding videos which detail the R&D work they’ve been undertaking and the sensors they’re using to capture robust data from snowboarders ahead of their dataset release.
Episode 5 shows us how the Push Snowboarding team are capturing a snowboarder’s…
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Poll: What’s your favourite irkafirka creation?
GLOBAL – For several months now, the guys at Irkafirka have been browsing through our posts every week to find that one special comment that makes it into their drawing pad, then onto your wall at home. But which one has been your favourite out of the collection? Let’s take a quick poll to…
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Can You Guess the 2010 Word of the Year? (Hint: It Only Has 3 Letters)
Our friends over at the Nseries blog – and one of our regular contributors, John Verity – alerted us to some great trivia! The “Word of the Year” for 2010 was recently selected. It’s only 3 letters long! Three powerful, compelling little letters …
The American Dialect…
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Zmiana ceny za połączenie z BOK w prepaid
Z początkiem marca cena za połączenie z BOK w ofertach pre-paid będzie wynosiła 1,5 zł. Poniżej znajdziecie aktualne cenniki. Szybkie porównanie zgodne z cennikami na dzień 19 stycznia 2011: Orange One – 1,50 PLN, Simplus, 36.6 – 1,97 PLN, Tak Tak – 2,44 PLN, Heyah – 1,00 PLN Cennik Oferty Play_zmieniony dnia 2.03.2011 Cennik Oferty [...]
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Samsung Galaxy 551 i HTC Gratia w ofercie Play
Od jutra w ofercie podstawowej znajdziecie nowe modele telefonów Samsung Galaxy 551 Działa pod kontrolą systemu operacyjnego Android 2.2. Posiada duży dotykowy wyświetlacz TFT 3,2” z funkcją multi-touch oraz klawiaturę QWERTY. Smartfon wyposażony jest we wszystkie nowinki technologiczne takie jak GPS, aparat fotograficzny 3.0 Mpix oraz DLNA - umożliwia łączenie się z innymi urządzeniami poprzez Wi-Fi – np. [...]
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Dlaczego 4G?
Wbrew temu co można przeczytać w różnych miejscach wczoraj nie stał się cud, nikt niczego sobie nie wymyślił i nikt nikogo nie okłamuje. Dlaczego 4G? Na konferencji pokazaliśmy bardzo ważny slajd: celowo go nie tłumaczyliśmy ponieważ zależało nam oryginalnym cytacie z grudniowej opinii ITU. Naszym zdaniem nastąpił „substantial level of improvement” w porównaniu z mającym [...]
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