Written by Tarja, Nokia Wellness Diary team In one of my first blog posts I wrote about mindless eating. I took a “Mindless Quiz” by Brian Wansik, a professor in the fields of consumer behavior and nutritional science, to find out how mindless eater I am. My result was that I was “Mostly Mindless…
Look at what you are eating!
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The social network
How many of you use social media through your smartphone? A bit of time on Facebook here. A Tweet or two there. A little Flickr through your favourite photos…
Now, how many of you really think about who is looking at your comments and pictures before you post them?
We didn’t think so.
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Rollercoaster Extreme Delivers a Fast-Paced Thrill Ride on Your Nokia
Editor’s Note: We’re on a roll here this week at the Ovi Daily App! And, in this case we get to introduce another one of our guest bloggers. Many of you will recognize his name, and his work! Joining us today is Rafe Blandford, the editor and founder of All About Symbian. Rafe, and other…
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Która oferta komórkowa dla biznesu jest najlepsza?
Na to pytanie próbuje dziś odpowiedzieć Rzeczpospolita. Zacytuje: „Oferta biznesowa największych operatorów jest pozornie mało zróżnicowana, ale skorzystanie z upustów i usług dodanych pozwala uzyskać duże oszczędności, Nie ma obiektywnie najlepszej oferty komórkowej dla biznesu. Każdą taryfę należy analizować z punktu widzenia konkretnego klienta.” Można jednak przyjrzeć się tematowi bliżej i tak zrobiła gazeta: http://www.rp.pl/artykul/600564.html Polecam lekturę [...]
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Rzut oka na konferencję prasową o największym zasięgu
Gdzie nie zajrzę tam 4G więc zobaczmy jak to było na tej legendarnej już konferencji Tak sobie pomyślałem, że dawno nie było konkursu. Zatem zapraszam wszystkich w najbliższy weekend. Tym razem powalczycie o … Kilkanaście, max 20 łatwych i trudnych pytań, głównie dotyczących tego co wydarzyło się w poniedziałek. Wyniki w poniedziałek.
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Sony Announces PlayStation Suite For Android Games
Another day another piece of the PlayStation Phone puzzle falls into place. Today we have the announcement of PlayStation Suite, Sony’s new content platform that will service all manner of handheld devices.
Basically it will be an official PlayStation store run by Sony that will offer games for devices like the PlayStation Phone, but also tablets and dedicated handheld gaming devices e.g. PlayStation Portable. Sony made mention of PlayStation Suite being ‘hardware neutral‘.
Sony will be running the whole shebang, no doubt hoping that it can attract some of the bigger names in game design to bring their titles to their new platform. It’s certainly the biggest move Android gaming will ever have seen anyway.
In terms of the finer details like game titles, pricing, etc none of that is obviously known at this stage. However, one interesting tidbit is that PlayStation Suite is going to need Android 2.3 to run so it looks like the Xperia arc is in and older Sony Ericsson handsets are out.
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Hands-On Preview Of The Xperia play
Engadget have managed to score themselves an Xperia Play and have been putting it through its paces in a rather extensive preview.
They looks at various aspects of the handsets, mostly focusing on the hardware, but there is some mention made of the software. There was an interesting comparison to the PSP Go, fleeting as it was, that highlighted some interesting differences.
It’s well worth a read so make sure you check it out.
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New version of Soundtrckr available (1.1)
Guest-written by Daniele Calabrese from Soundtrckr. We are happy to bring a new version of Soundtrckr (1.1) for Symbian^3 and S60 5th Edition Touch devices to Nokia Beta Labs with new features and bug fixes in response to the incredible amount of useful feedback received from users.New features for…
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Stephen Elop talks strengths, successes, and the future
GLOBAL – CEO Stephen Elop discussed Nokia’s 4th quarter results with media and investors today. Stephen touched on a number of topics including Nokia’s strengths, Ovi successes, developers, and the future of the company.
On Nokia’s strengths:
Nokia is a brand that defines mobility in many…
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SMS Magnifier Makes Text Messages Bigger on Your Nokia
SMS Magnifier is a mobile app for Nokia touchscreen devices that simply does what its title suggests: It magnifies the type size of SMS text messages.
If you wear reading glasses, as I do, the standard type size of an SMS message is too small to read ‘naked’. That means you have to hunt for your…
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