Cloud Computing is something that’s been talked about for a long time, but is only now that we’re having more daily interaction with it. How? Through our smartphones.
Data is increasingly stored and available through the Internet, allowing us to access content and services from our phones, anywhere…
Is your head in the Cloud?
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4 Brings the International Art Scene to Your Nokia Touchscreen is a cool mobile app for hip jet-setters – or for those who, like me, simply enjoy the fantasy of being a hip jet-setter.
This mobile app essentially brings the website to your Nokia touchscreen device. The website bills itself as ‘the premium online video magazine for contemporary…
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4G czyli kij w mrowisko ;-)
Jak to napisał ostatnio Łukasz Dec z Rzeczpospolitej „PLAY zagrał po playowemu” i będziemy grać jeszcze głośniej Czytam z dużą uwagą negatywne komentarze i postanowiłem dorzucić do pieca bardzo ciekawą argumentację. Pewnie znacie ten jeden z największych na świecie portali dla technomaniaków. Przeczytajcie bo naprawdę warto! - 2G, 3G, 4G, and everything in [...]
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Instantly Close All Active Tasks and Applications with App Stop
I have a simple confession to make – I am a habitual multitasking offender. I jump from one application to another without bothering to close the first application. Soon the number of applications running on my phone goes out of control. These applications start sapping the valuable processing…
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Eyes on Africa [videos] 1/2
NAIROBI, Kenya – Who will be the next billion mobile phone users and what will they require from their devices? A large proportion of them are likely to be Africans. There are 53 countries in the continent and over 800 million people. But for those on the ground in Africa, Nokia has an important…
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What’s your Appitype?
It has certainly been a busy year for apps, for example, did you know that App was voted 2010 ‘Word of the Year’?
As well as that well, Nokia, along with Professor Trevor Pinch of Cornell University undertook research which suggests that 55% of us are app dependant – relying on apps to significantly…
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The Soul Searchers: approaching Melbourne with Ovi
January is over and The Soul Searchers are approaching their final destination: Melbourne, Australia. Actually, they might arrive there while I’m wiring this story…
I feel sad that this is going to be the last or next to last post about them for a while although I still hope they are going…
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The Soul Searchers: approaching Melbourne with Ovi
January is over and The Soul Searchers are approaching their final destination: Melbourne, Australia. Actually, they might arrive there while I’m wiring this story…
I feel sad that this is going to be the last or next to last post about them for a while although I still hope they are going…
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Is a smartphone a secure phone?
According to Patrick Peterson, Senior Security Researcher at Cisco, smartphone and mobile software attacks are set to increase in 2011.
It would appear that those plucky cyber criminals are starting to move away from bringing down Windows, and turning their attention to other technologies. Cisco has…
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What Do the Apps on Your Smartphone Say About You?
Editor’s Note: Yesterday we shared with you our new online quiz to find your Appitype. But did you know, this quiz grew out of research conducted late last year? Nokia, working with Professor Trevor Pinch, professor of science and technology studies at Cornell University in New York, analyzed more…
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