

Gotowość instalacji P4 na II Linii Metra

Brzmi bardzo poważnie ;-) Taki tytuł miał mail jaki dziś rano dostałem od kolegów z techniki. Nie muszę wyjaśniać nikomu co to znaczy. Wiem, że brzmi to może trochę egzotycznie dla czytelników spoza Warszawy, ale dla nas tutaj, szczególnie po spaleniu mostu każdy news o metrze jest mega ważny.

Z tego co wiem to wszyscy operatorzy będą świadczyć na drugiej linii swoje usługi w czym im bardzo pomogliśmy bo to nasza super ekipa instalowała tam sieć.

Wszystkie stacje będą pracować w 4 systemach:

UMTS 2100

UMTS 900

GSM 1800

i oczywiście LTE 1800

Przypominam, że mamy również zasięg w pierwszej linii ;-)

Gratuluję zespołowi i ….bileciki do kontroli proszę.

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Uwaga na sfałszowane maile o MMS-ach [aktualizacja]

Bardzo ważna wiadomość!


Dostajemy sygnały, że kilka osób otrzymało sfałszowane maile informujące o nieodebranych wiadomościach MMS. Link w treści przekierowywał na stronę, która zachęcała do wysłania SMSa premium. Tak wygląda przykładowy sfałszowany mail:


Uważajcie proszę i ostrzeżcie znajomych przed taką próbą wyłudzenia. Podjęliśmy już wszelkie działania, aby ukrócić ten proceder.

Wszystkie strony Play są zabezpieczone certyfikatami. O certyfikatach możecie przeczytać na stronie

Aby zabezpieczyć się przed takimi sytuacjami gorąco zachęcam Was do skorzystania z bezpłatnych usług:



Wyłączyliśmy numer podany na stronie z fałszywego maila. Nie można już wysyłać na niego SMS-ów.

Zachęcamy wszystkich klientów Play, którzy otrzymali takiego maila i wysłali SMS do składania reklamacji – będą one rozpatrywane pozytywnie.

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Gotowość instalacji P4 na II Linii Metra

Brzmi bardzo poważnie ;-) Taki tytuł miał mail jaki dziś rano dostałem od kolegów z techniki. Nie muszę wyjaśniać nikomu co to znaczy. Wiem, że brzmi to może trochę egzotycznie dla czytelników spoza Warszawy, ale dla nas tutaj, szczególnie po spaleniu mostu każdy news o metrze jest mega ważny.

Z tego co wiem to wszyscy operatorzy będą świadczyć na drugiej linii swoje usługi w czym im bardzo pomogliśmy bo to nasza super ekipa instalowała tam sieć.

Wszystkie stacje będą pracować w 4 systemach:

UMTS 2100

UMTS 900

GSM 1800

i oczywiście LTE 1800

Przypominam, że mamy również zasięg w pierwszej linii ;-)

Gratuluję zespołowi i ….bileciki do kontroli proszę.

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Uwaga na sfałszowane maile o MMS-ach [aktualizacja]

Bardzo ważna wiadomość!


Dostajemy sygnały, że kilka osób otrzymało sfałszowane maile informujące o nieodebranych wiadomościach MMS. Link w treści przekierowywał na stronę, która zachęcała do wysłania SMSa premium. Tak wygląda przykładowy sfałszowany mail:


Uważajcie proszę i ostrzeżcie znajomych przed taką próbą wyłudzenia. Podjęliśmy już wszelkie działania, aby ukrócić ten proceder.

Wszystkie strony Play są zabezpieczone certyfikatami. O certyfikatach możecie przeczytać na stronie

Aby zabezpieczyć się przed takimi sytuacjami gorąco zachęcam Was do skorzystania z bezpłatnych usług:



Wyłączyliśmy numer podany na stronie z fałszywego maila. Nie można już wysyłać na niego SMS-ów.

Zachęcamy wszystkich klientów Play, którzy otrzymali takiego maila i wysłali SMS do składania reklamacji – będą one rozpatrywane pozytywnie.

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Sony’s BRAVIA meets Android TV

One of the new technologies that caught the eye on the Sony booth at #MWC15 this week was our electronics teams’ latest 65”Class 4K Ultra HD BRAVIA® TV. It wasn’t just the amazingly clear picture on display, or the impossibly thin screen that turned a few heads, it was also the new Android TV™ operating system on show.

Seeing as not all of you will were lucky enough to be in Barcelona, let alone come by our booth, we thought we’d take a look at what Sony Android TV offers and how it integrates with our new Xperia™ Z4 Tablet.

BRAVIA TVs are already pretty smart, but Sony’s Android TVs have been designed to make your TV even smarter by finding new ways to sync with your Android smartphone*, tablet or laptop. It combines some of Sony’s unique features like One-Flick Entertainment, Photo Sharing Plus, etc, together with those of Android TV such as access to Google Play, Chrome and voice functionality to make those Sunday afternoons in front of the TV as easy as possible.

Sony Android TV also comes Google Cast™ Ready, meaning you can cast your favourite entertainment and apps like YouTubeTM, Google Play Movies, Chrome or Pandora™ (and a load more depending on your region) straight from your tablet on to the BRAVIA screen**, without the need of an external dongle.

Android TV Usecase

Lost the remote or don’t fancy leaving the sofa? Not a problem. Once you’ve connected your device to your BRAVIA TV, your phone, tablet or laptop becomes the remote. With voice activated browsing, you can just speak the words Breaking Bad in to your Xperia Z4 Tablet and Sony Android TV will take you there.

Seiichi Osao Android TV

You don’t have to be that person who quietly laughs at a funny clip on their phone anymore. With Sony Android TV you just have to flick the video from your device towards the TV and everyone in the room can laugh at the funny cat on a big screen with you.

We had the chance to catch up with the project leader for Sony Android TV, Seiichi Osao, who answered a couple of questions for us…


Talk us through the origins of Android TV; where did the concept come from and what were some of the challenges faced when designing it?

As a company, we’re always keen on looking at ways we can integrate cross-functionality throughout our technologies. The Android UI featured across our Xperia devices, and many other mobile handsets is functional, clear and easy to use. We wanted to bring this functionality and access to our BRAVIA line. The challenge was how we achieved that ease-of-use, which we tackled by developing a unique way of integrating touch gestures and audio controls on your smartphone/tablet with your large screen TV experience.

Why is Android TV so well suited to the Xperia Z4 Tablet?

Firstly, with both your BRAVIA and mobile devices on Android’s OS, you can use the same Google ID, so not only is the UI familiar, but switching between your TV and Z4 Tablet is easy, meaning you can pause a video on your BRAVIA and pick it back up again on your tablet straight away. The two product lines also share some of Sony’s best display and audio technology, like TRILUMINOS Display, X-Reality ClearAudio+.

Is Android TV easy to use? How simple is it to connect your Xperia Z4 Tablet to Android TV? 

It’s really easy to use. The UI is intuitive, the voice commanding is easy to use and setting up is simple. Where previously you needed several steps to connect wirelessly or a bunch of cables to connect the two, now you don’t. With Android TV it’s just one step – just tap cast icon on apps, it will connect your Xperia Z4 Tablet to Android TV*.


*Running Android 4.4.2 or higher
**Images included in this post feature simulated UIs. App availability varies by region and device. Check out more of the apps that are available at


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Xperia Z4 Tablet – Will it float?

Xperia Z4 Tablet represents the culmination of years of work from the design team on creating light, strong structures – but what does that mean in real life terms?

The weight of tablets in this category, it turns out, is a major factor in how people interact with them. Take, for example, the process of watching a film with the tablet on your lap or on a table. The lighter the tablet, the easier it is to hold it with just one hand – it’s just one example but it neatly demonstrates how, as we try to engineer products that fit ever-more seamlessly into people’s lives, weight will remain an important factor.

Seriousness aside though, the key question about the weight of any tablet in this category is this: can I attach helium balloons to a Xperia Z4 Tablet and float it off over Barcelona right? Science tells us that, to lift a kilogram you’ll need roughly 36 cubic feet of helium, so we set off to the beautiful Fira Montjuic in Barcelona armed with a few balloons and a video camera to find out….

  • Videos
  • Xperia Z4 Tablet – will it float?
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(Disclaimer: we would assume it goes without saying, but just in case; helium-powered balloon flight is not covered by your warranty. Don’t try this at home folks. We’d also like to assure you all that no balloons were harmed during the making of this film.)

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HTC Desire Eye od dziś w Play

Od dzisiaj w ofercie na życzenie pojawia się smartfon z aparatem 26 Mpix (13 z przodu i 13 z tyłu) ;-) HTC Desire Eye

HTC Desire Eye

Cennik HTC Desire Eye


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HTC Desire Eye od dziś w Play

Od dzisiaj w ofercie na życzenie pojawia się smartfon z aparatem 26 Mpix (13 z przodu i 13 z tyłu) ;-) HTC Desire Eye

HTC Desire Eye

Cennik HTC Desire Eye


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Award winning photographer captures the Everyday Extraordinary in Barcelona

You may remember back in August we sent award-winning WPO photographer Myriam Meloni to capture some of the scenes at Spain’s renowned food festival, La Tomatina.

Well, seeing as we’re at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Myriam’s adopted hometown since she moved from Italy, we thought we’d catch up with her again to see how she’s been getting on shooting with our Xperia Z3 Compact. She was nice enough to pop by our booth at the Fira Gran Via and share with us some of her favourite shots from her ‘Everyday Extraordinary’ project and what went in to capturing them…

Barcelona is a beautiful city; one of the things that make it unique is the sea, and it’s this relationship I wanted to explore with this project. .

I first went for an early morning stroll around Barcelona’s old fishing port to capture the day at its lightest. Thanks to the brightness of the lens on the Sony Xperia Z3 Compact and its aperture of F2.0, I was able to catch sharp and bright images before the sun had even risen.

Myriam Meloni

I like this shot as it captures the birds in flight – frozen thanks to a good combination of the shutter speed, aperture and ISO, all automatically synced by the Superior Auto Mode.

The Port was a great place to test one of the most attractive camera’s features: the macro scene. This function activates when you get really close to the object you want to shoot, allowing you to shoot photos that really explore the full spectrum of colours.

Myriam Meloni

After wandering through the Port, I went to visit the seafront: a group of teenagers were playing in front of the sea, with the sun shining behind them. It was a backlit scene, a very challenging moment to shoot. Despite that, I was able to capture the moment perfectly, thanks to Xperia Z3 Compact’s Backlight Mode. You can really see how the sunbeams and the silhouettes are highlighted here.

Myriam Meloni

After breakfast, I headed over to the Cathedral del mar and some of the older buildings in the city where I got to test out Xperia Z3 Compact’s camera in low light. Even though the shadows of the Cathedral were playing havoc with the light I was still able to capture extraordinary detail, like the faces of those nearby.

Myriam MeloniIn a bustling city like Barcelona the opportunity for a decent shot is everywhere, but sometimes you don’t have time to capture that perfect moment. Thanks to the sleep to snap and Sport Mode features of the phone I was able to capture these skaters whizzing around, illuminated by the afternoon sun.

Myriam Meloni

I was having a coffee with some friends later in the evening and I noticed an unusual reflection in my mug; it was gorgeous and to surprise my Xperia responded perfectly, allowing me to really capture the moment perfectly. 

Myriam Meloni

At sunset, when the lights start to dim, Xperia Z3 Compact really comes in to its own thanks to the ISO rating of 12,800. This shot of the balloons down the famous Rambla del Mar came out brilliantly. 

Myriam Meloni

I hope you can enjoy Barcelona the way I did, with the company of a phone that’s as attractive, elegant, dynamic, compact and capable of satisfying even the most demanding users (like me).

Thanks the World Photography Organisation and Sony Mobile for inviting me to be part of this project. 

Check out a full collection of Myriam’s photos below…

  • Images

  • Myriam Meloni
  • Myriam Meloni
  • Myriam Meloni
  • Myriam Meloni
  • Myriam Meloni
  • Myriam Meloni
  • Myriam Meloni
  • Myriam Meloni
  • Myriam Meloni
  • Myriam Meloni
  • Myriam Meloni
  • Myriam Meloni
  • <
  • >

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#SonyMWC: Your questions answered

We’re now three days into another fantastic MWC and the action on the booth has been non-stop. For an organisation like Sony, one of the best things about events like this is the exposure we get to the views and thoughts of so many customers in such short period. It allows us to get amazing feedback and understand the kinds of questions our customers want to know more about.

So… with that in mind we’ve collated some of the most common questions asked at the booth and gone straight to the experts to get the answers.

1. Obviously a lot of people have been asking about the Z-series-wide Android Lollipop update, its timings and rollout plans.

Jun Makino, Product Marketing Manager for the Xperia Z Series“The over-riding priority at the moment is to deliver a strong, stable update. We’re in the last stages of testing that, working with Google and operator partners and we’ll begin rolling out soon. Stay tuned to the blog and @SonyMobileNews for the latest info when that starts.”


2. What difference does the 2K screen make on Xperia Z4 Tablet compared to the Full HD resolution on Xperia Z2 Tablet?

Jun Makino - “The main difference is the upgrade in the resolution – making the screen much better at handling really high-res content. The brightness of the screen is another noticeable improvement, allowing you to get a really clear viewing experience in any environment, including bright outdoor sunlight. At the same time we’ve had to do all of this within the constraints of maintaining and improving a category-leading battery performance.”


3. What are the differences between Xperia Z3 and Xperia M4 Aqua?

Sharath Muddaiah, Product Marketing Manager for Xperia M4Aqua -Xperia M4 Aqua is a product that is designed to re-define what people can expect from a mid-range device so yes, at first glance the specs read like a premium tier smartphone. However, through a combination of some really smart engineering and a lot of customer research we’ve managed to bring the price point down to a mid-tier point, we call it the super mid range. At the same time we’ve preserved some of the premium experiences, such as the metal and glass casing, High-Res Audio, PlayStation Remote Play and top of the range camera specs, for the Z Series.”


4. Will Xperia Z4 Tablet ship with Microsoft Office Suite pre-installed?

Ashley Davies, Xperia in Business - “There aren’t currently any plans to do this –however the Microsoft Office Suite is available to download via the Google Play Store.

Xperia Z4 Tablet has been designed to enhance the portable office experience, and in conjunction with our new BKB50 Bluetooth Keyboard we feel we’ve created a perfect business companion, giving a true laptop experience.”


5. Security has been a big theme for discussion at this year’s conference – particularly re: Android and enterprise applications, what is Sony’s take on this?

Ashley Davies, Xperia in Business - “As we ramp up our enterprise offering around the new products, enterprise security has become a real focus for us. It’s partly linked to trends around BYOD but it is just as relevant for enterprise buyers who need to know that their sensitive information is safe and secure.

We work with both operators and partners to ensure we are compatible and compliant with enterprise requirements.  By keeping that constant communication we feel that businesses are able to confidently use Sony devices and the Android platform”

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