Od 1 października zasięg Play Online będzie dostępny w kolejnych 19 miejscowościach: Brzozów (podkarpackie) Iłża (mazowieckie) Jaworzyna Śląska (dolnośląskie) Kaźmierz (wielkopolskie) Klembów (mazowieckie) Koniecpol (śląskie) Konopiska (śląskie) Kowalewo Pomorskie (kujawsko-pomorskie) Lubawa (warmińsko-mazurskie) Łabiszyn (kujawsko-pomorskie) Mstów (śląskie) Oborniki Śląskie (dolnośląskie) Sianów (zachodniopomorskie) Siewierz (śląskie) Słubice (lubuskie) Strzelno (kujawsko-pomorskie) Sztum (pomorskie) Więcbork (kujawsko-pomorskie) Złocieniec (zachodniopomorskie)
Nowe miejscowości w zasięgu Play Online
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Nieograniczone rozmowy i SMS-y za 0gr w Play! – nowa kampania reklamowa
Play wraz z agencją Grandes Kochonos przygotował kolejną kampanię reklamową Play Fresh. Spot, który powstał, jest kontynuacją znanego już widzom spotu „Wszyscy są bliscy w Play Fresh”. Tym razem jednak nie bohater, a bohaterka spotyka po drodze swoich znajomych i bliskich. Wszyscy entuzjastycznie reagują na jej widok. Wkrótce okazuje się, że ich reakcja związana jest [...]
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Fun Friday: It’s the final Old School episode!
You love Fridays, don’t you? And if you were wondering what our Old School guy (aka Richard, aka Dick) was up to while we’ve got all excited for Nokia World, now it’s the time for you to know
And yes, he’s got his crush on Princess Leia, who… Why don’t you see for…
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Fun Friday: It’s the final Old School episode!
You love Fridays, don’t you? And if you were wondering what our Old School guy (aka Richard, aka Dick) was up to while we’ve got all excited for Nokia World, now it’s the time for you to know
And yes, he’s got his crush on Princess Leia, who… Why don’t you see for…
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New numbers for Ovi Store shows developer success
We just got some new numbers on how Ovi Services are doing and there are some really great stats on how top developers are doing in Ovi Store.
70 developers and publishers have each surpassed the million download mark for their content in Ovi Store. Some of them are: Digital Chocolate, Electronic Arts,…
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Blogbite: N8 shipping pictures, N8 projects BIG, Nokia Research Centre, NW2010 poll results and Ovi services poll launch.
LONDON, England – Phil catches up with Dan to talk about the shipping of the Nokia N8, the amazing nanotechnology at the Nokia Research Center, Nokia World 2010 poll results, and the world’s biggest cinema screen by Nokia. Listen on for all those stories, and more.
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Nseries Wall Of Fame gets two new members!
Congratulations to Fakhre of Symbian Tweet who is the next face to be added to our Nseries Blog Wall Of Fame.
We’ve awarded him the prestigious position on account of his awesome Nokia N97 mini Owners Widget competition entry – extreme macro videography and photography. Meanwhile, big congrats also…
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Ovi’s global explosion
ESPOO, Finland – With the number of active Nokia service users now approaching 140 million users worldwide, Ovi is making pretty good progress. What’s more, 200,000 new users are signing up to Ovi daily and Ovi Store downloads are now topping 2.3 million per day (that’s 300k more than…
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Nokia/Rihanna Rated R album launch party takes home a BT Digital Music Award
I’ve probably celebrated a little too much for it to be advisable to post this before the morning but, hey… Nokia have just won a BT Digital Music Award in the Best Event category for the live streamed Rihanna Rated R album launch party – Yay!
Firstly, and sincerely, I’d like…
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Nokia EVP Niklas Savander discusses N8 shipping (video)
HELSINKI, Finland – So here’s your dilemma: You know the Nokia N8 has begun shipping. But you can’t get enough N8 shipment news? Well I have the fix for you! Video footage from the Beijing and Salo factories this morning, along with my interview with EVP Niklas Savander. It’s…
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