GLOBAL – In the second term of our Nokia N8 camera school series, Haje turns to film-making. In today’s video, he shows how to create a narrative in your videos in order to keep them fun and interesting. He shows that it can be easy to create something interesting and engrossing from the…
Storytelling – Nokia N8 camera school [video]
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Get Mobile Documents from Ovi for your Nokia
Hi, I previously wrote about the predominance of accessing social networks on mobile in East Asia, especially Indonesia. Today I am looking how to get the most out of mobile email. In specific areas, like US, mobile email still accounts for 41% of mobile internet time – according to Nielsen study…
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Get Mobile Documents from Ovi for your Nokia
Hi, I previously wrote about the predominance of accessing social networks on mobile in East Asia, especially Indonesia. Today I am looking how to get the most out of mobile email. In specific areas, like US, mobile email still accounts for 41% of mobile internet time – according to Nielsen study…
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Nokia Internet Radio for Series 40: listen to tens of thousands of radio stations worldwide
Written by Donald, Nokia Internet Radio team We are pleased to introduce an Internet Radio client for Series 40 phones that ties into the Nokia Internet Radio service! Just like its smartphone counterpart, this application brings access to tens of thousands of radio stations all over the world, and it…
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The PlayStation Phone … It’s Real
The long wait is finally over … the PlayStation phone is here.
Ever since Sony Ericsson first started assigning their handsets Sony branding back in the Cybershot and Walkman days people have been asking when we would see a PlayStation branded phone. We’ve listened as rumours have come and gone, but at long last we can take our first look at the PlayStation phone.
The pictures you are looking at were first posted over on Engadget, who first reported on the handset’s existence back in August. Staying true to their initial report they are maintaining that the device will be launched soon and will almost certainly be running the latest version of Android i.e. Gingerbread. The actual release date could be as soon as the end of this year, but more likely is a 2011 release window, so perhaps early next year.
The specifications aren’t fully known yet, but what we do know is that it will feature the following:
- 1 GHz Snapdragon processor
- 512 MB RAM
- 1 GB ROM
- 3.7 – 4.1 inch display
- microSD support (no proprietary Sony nonsense here)
You will probably have noticed the space between the d-pad and the familiar four PlayStation buttons. This is the multi-touch enabled touchpad, which will no doubt be used for interacting with various contents, most likely including some games.
On the subject of games the handset will be rolling out with its very own customised market place that will sell games specifically developed for this handset and its control setup.
It’s important to note that what you are looking at here is a prototype, it’s not the finished article so please bear that in mind. There is no custom Ui skin, for example, and Engadget mention that the device is pretty buggy at the moment, but of course that’s to be expected with a device at this stage of production.
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Play Day II – galeria zdjęć i relacja
Poniżej krótka relacja z Play Day II autorstwa Grześka, który na blogu występuje pod nickiem „galeon”. To był udany weekend – Play Day II Miniony weekend na długo pozostanie w pamięci uczestników spotkania integracyjnego pomiędzy klientami, a przedstawicielami firmy Play. Impreza zorganizowana pod nazwą Play Day II okazała się strzałem w dziesiątkę i na pewno [...]
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Sony Ericsson X8 – nowy model w ofercie podstawowej
Od 26 października do podstawowej oferty Play zostanie wprowadzony nowy model telefonu: Sony Ericsson X8 Telefon posiada 3-calowy, dotykowy wyświetlacz HVGA, 320 x 480 pikseli, HSPA, WiFi, GPS, stereo Bluetooth, aparat 3.2Mpix, procesor 600MHz oraz kartę MicroSD o pojemności 2GB. Smartfon Xperia X8 wyposażony został w dotykowy ekran TFT o przekątnej 3 cale pracujący w [...]
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Nokia N8 Game A Day: Ovi suggests Angry Birds
Starting today we will be publishing a Nokia N8 Game A Day story every day to inform those lucky Nokia N8 users which games they should be playing on the Store! These games will be the best of the class games that users can download on the Store. Please note, many of these games are large file sizes,…
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Nokia N8 Game A Day: Ovi suggests Angry Birds
Starting today we will be publishing a Nokia N8 Game A Day story every day to inform those lucky Nokia N8 users which games they should be playing on the Store! These games will be the best of the class games that users can download on the Store. Please note, many of these games are large file sizes,…
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Get a Little Closer to Your Words with Font Zoomer for Nokia
Would you like to choose your font size and style on your Nokia mobile device? Then you should consider giving Font Zoomer by Somyac a try. You can try a variety of different fonts, and change their size to customize your phone the way you want it to be. I recently tested this app on my Nokia N97 mini…
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