Play, jako jedyny operator w Polsce, wprowadził usługę całkowicie darmowego dostępu do Facebooka, najpopularniejszego portalu społecznościowego na świecie, z wykorzystaniem usługi Facebook Zero. Dzięki tej usłudze, wszyscy Klienci sieci Play mogą bez obaw kontaktować się ze swoimi znajomymi, publikować nowe informacje na portalu, czy też zobaczyć najciekawsze informacje ze swojego otoczenia. To wszystko za darmo, [...]
Facebook za ZERO bez reklam
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Nowe modele telefonów w cennikach Play
Od 25 listopada w cennikach Play pojawią się nowe modele telefonów. Motorola Flipout Motorola Flipout to kompaktowy smatphone z rotacyjnym, dotykowym ekranem. Pod nim – 5-rzędowa klawiatura QWERTY z rzędem klawiszy numerycznych. Gdy wszyscy podziwiają kolorową, kwadratową obudowę, telefon zajęty jest przekazywaniem wiadomości lub przeszukiwaniem Internetu. Zbudowana jest na systemie operacyjnym Android 2.1, Ponadto posiada [...]
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Win BIG this Christmas with #12DaysofNokia
Hello guys!
It probably hasn’t escaped your attention that we’re very nearly at the end of November and the run up to Christmas is most definitely upon us. We’re super excited about it here (what with Santa coming from Finland, like Nokia) and to celebrate we’re going to be giving away a TON…
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Finland, Nokia’s fatherland, explained by Ovi: dates
Our Finnish journey is coming to an end today. But before the bears are going to hibernate I have one more secret left to share with you about this fantastic country… Today it’s about the way Finns deal with dates
And you? How do you refer to past events?
-Pino (@haikus)
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Finland, Nokia’s fatherland, explained by Ovi: dates
Our Finnish journey is coming to an end today. But before the bears are going to hibernate I have one more secret left to share with you about this fantastic country… Today it’s about the way Finns deal with dates
And you? How do you refer to past events?
-Pino (@haikus)
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FREE games from Ovi and HandyGames for your Nokia
Did you know that some of the best games available on Ovi today are actually free? We at Nokia offer Ovi Store users awesome free games such as Bounce Boing Battle, Ovi Maps Challenge, and Dance Fabulous, but we aren’t the only one! Recently HandyGames has started offering some of their premium games…
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FREE games from Ovi and HandyGames for your Nokia
Did you know that some of the best games available on Ovi today are actually free? We at Nokia offer Ovi Store users awesome free games such as Bounce Boing Battle, Ovi Maps Challenge, and Dance Fabulous, but we aren’t the only one! Recently HandyGames has started offering some of their premium games…
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Friday’s Pick and Mix #26
GLOBAL – It’s time, once again, for this week’s round-up of mobile bloggage and reporting from around the World Wide Web. These are the stories that found their way into our bookmarks folder for reading and sharing at a later date. Some are serious; some are silly. But all of them are…
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Introducing Nokia Situations – tell your device how you want it to behave
Written by Roope TassbergHi, We have created an experimental application called Nokia Situations which you can use to define how you want your phone to behave in different situations, like „In a meeting”, „Sleeping”, or „Playing with the kids”. With the application running in the background, your device…
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The end of mindless eating?
Written by Tarja, Nokia Wellness Diary team The last days I have been reading about a fascinating book called “Mindless eating” by Brian Wansik, director of the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab. Yes, you read right. I have read about the book, but I have not yet read it. I am absolutely going…
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