Od jutra w ofercie Play nowy model telefonu firmy Sony Ericsson. SonyEricsson Xperia X10 mini pro Najmniejszy na świecie smartphone z systemem operacyjnym Android OS™ teraz dodatkowo wyposażony w pełną sprzętową klawiaturę QWERTY – niezbędny dla tych, którzy dużo piszą. W niezwykle kompaktowej obudowie kryją się możliwości prawdziwego smartphone’a. Dostęp do tysięcy aplikacji i gier [...]
SonyEricsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro w ofercie Play
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Wzrost wartości marki PLAY aż o 70%
Zgodnie z opublikowanym dziś rankingiem Rzeczpospolitej Najcenniejszych Polskich Ma®ek Play powiększył w tym roku wartość swojej ma®ki aż o 70%. Zdaniem redakcji wartość marki w 2009 wynosiła 325,7 mln zł. W 2010 wzrosła natomiast do 555,3 mln zł. W tym samym czasie inne top marki w tej kategorii traciły na wartości. W rankingu marek według [...]
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Music Team… Assemble!
Hi everybody,
I guess I’d better introduce myself before explaining the slightly overblown title for my first post on the Blog. I’m Jean-Paul but people just call me ‘J-P’. I’m one of the UK Music Editors for Ovi which means I’m responsible for helping to…
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Music Team… Assemble!
Hi everybody,
I guess I’d better introduce myself before explaining the slightly overblown title for my first post on the Blog. I’m Jean-Paul but people just call me ‘J-P’. I’m one of the UK Music Editors for Ovi which means I’m responsible for helping to…
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TRON Legacy: The Trivia Challenge Begins for Your Nokia N8
A lot of geekdom has passed along the light rail from the 1982 classic Tron to this month’s sequel. Are you ready for it? If so, then hop on board the free download of the TRON: Legacy trivia game and test your skills. Participate by 3 December, and you can also enter the prize drawing to win two…
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What will you do with Ovi and Nokia N8?
It’s not technology. It’s what you do with it. This has been the Nokia N8 motto from day one.
With Ovi and your Nokia N8 you can navigate, act everywhere like a local, share your location, status, stunning pictures and HD videos with your friends, listen to your favourite music tracks,…
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What will you do with Ovi and Nokia N8?
It’s not technology. It’s what you do with it. This has been the Nokia N8 motto from day one.
With Ovi and your Nokia N8 you can navigate, act everywhere like a local, share your location, status, stunning pictures and HD videos with your friends, listen to your favourite music tracks,…
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A quick guide to… A-GPS
GLOBAL – Location-based services are becoming more and more popular on your mobile. We’re all very used to using services on our mobile that tell us where the nearest shop or cinema is, to mobile applications like Ovi Maps that gets you from A-B using location information from your phone. However,…
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Welcome to Nokia N8 Producers, where you can be the star of the show!
Feeling creative? Ever wanted to float in zero gravity? Well we have a very special treat for you today Nseries readers…
Nokia N8 Producers from Nokia HD on Vimeo.
The above video was filmed entirely on a Nokia N8 (even the part in zero gravity)!, and the music was created by the exceptionally talented…
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Ovi news from China
Today i’m bringing you Ovi news from China. I had the chance to interview Phil Kemp, the Head of Services for Nokia in China. He is giving us insights to the lesser known facts about the success of Ovi in China.
Ilse: We are all aware of the new heights that Ovi is touching globally. In a recent…
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