Od 22 grudnia w ofercie Play pojawi się nowy model telefonu: Samsung Wave II S8530 Model Wave w nowym wydaniu – z większym wyświetlaczem SUPER Clear LCD (3,7 ”) i ze wszystkimi funkcjami znanymi z poprzedniego Wave. Użytkownik ma do dyspozycji m.in. aparat fotograficzny 5.0 Mpix, GPS z A-GPS, szybką komunikację dzięki HSDPA w sieciach [...]
Samsung Wave 2 w ofercie Play [UPDATE]
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Reklama w miesięczniku Twój Styl
W związku z wieloma pytaniami dotyczącymi opublikowanej w styczniowym numerze miesięcznika „Twój Styl” reklamy, którą możecie zobaczyć poniżej: pragnę poinformować, że Play jest w pełni przygotowany do wprowadzenia ww. usługi, jednakże ze względów formalno-organizacyjnych , m.in. zmiany przepisów o VAT, okres przedświąteczny itp., postanowiliśmy przesunąć wdrożenie usługi na rok 2011. Oczywiście poinformujemy Was, kiedy zostanie [...]
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TelePlay Beta – wirtualny telefon
Oddajemy Wam dziś kolejną usługę do testowania. Twój telefon komórkowy dostępny z poziomu przeglądarki i komputera. Nazwaliśmy to Tele Play Beta. Beta bo testowo. Dopiero zaczynamy rozwijać ten produkt i wiemy, że nie jest idealny i czasami nie będzie działał tak, jakbyśmy sobie tego życzyli. Mimo to, już przed Świętami chcemy się nim z Wami [...]
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Ovi Browser Brings Rich Web Browsing to Nokia Series 40 Phones
Browsing the web on a feature phone can be a time-consuming and a cumbersome experience. Mobile browsers for feature phones are meant to help you navigate through the web quickly and easily. However, more often than not, the browser stands in between you and the web content. I am happy to report that…
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Send UNICEF seasons greetings!
Nokia and UNICEF are teaming up again and invite you to be part of the mission!
In order to help UNICEF’s Schools for Africa initiative, Nokia customers and employees can send seasons greetings e-cards. For each one opened, Nokia will make a donation. Simple!
The Schools for Africa initiative has been…
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Your First Ever Nseries Device – The Results
Last week we asked on our Nseries Twitter account, what the first Nseries device you ever bought was. We had plenty of responses, ranging from the early N70 to the recent N8.
Here are your most popular answers formulated into a wordcloud
Amongst the first ones were the Nokia N95, N70 and N73 which were…
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Ovi gives you tips for some DIY holiday fun!
The holiday season is almost here. For many of us, this is the time when families and friends get together. It is the time of carols, candy and candles. And fun. But how to create the fun? Our gift (tongue in cheek) to you this week are these few tips – brought to you by Nokia N8 with Ovi.
The first…
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Ovi gives you tips for some DIY holiday fun!
The holiday season is almost here. For many of us, this is the time when families and friends get together. It is the time of carols, candy and candles. And fun. But how to create the fun? Our gift (tongue in cheek) to you this week are these few tips – brought to you by Nokia N8 with Ovi.
The first…
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Ovi performs the Nokia pocket dance too
How often do you do the pocket dance? Well, at least our answer is: every now and then!
Yes, we admit, we’ve seen some of that dancing here in the Ovi headquarters too… but here’s a tip for how to do less pocket dancing in the future: put those dancing shoes on for one more time and attend…
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Ovi performs the Nokia pocket dance too
How often do you do the pocket dance? Well, at least our answer is: every now and then!
Yes, we admit, we’ve seen some of that dancing here in the Ovi headquarters too… but here’s a tip for how to do less pocket dancing in the future: put those dancing shoes on for one more time and attend…
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