Hey everyone – welcome to New Year’s Eve day! We hope you’ve had a wonderful year, and we’re looking forward to sharing many, many more great apps with you in 2011!
Before that, however, we wanted to remind you – if you have not already voted – there is still time…
Reminder: Final Day to Vote for “Must-Have App of the Year Awards”
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Looking back: Nokia’s top 5 highlights from 2010
2010 has been a year of thrills and spills and to wrap things up in a very nice bow, we at Nseries are going to take you back down memory lane and through the awesome highlights we’ve enjoyed throughout the year!
Nokia & Intel announce MeeGo
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Happy New Year
GLOBAL – Wishing our readers a happy, prosperous and, above all, connected New Year. Our New Year’s resolution is to work the team even harder to bring you fresher, funner, fuller posts and videos throughout 2011. We’ll shortly be launching a special survey (with prizes!) to find out…
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Plebiscyty na koniec roku
Robi się coraz bardziej gorąco. Walczymy o HIT IT na Interii z naszym PLAY FRESH. http://hitit.interia.pl/ Mamy niestety szanse na Głuchy Telefon 2010 na Telepolis za wdrożenie Notki SMS ;-( Ja prywatnie oddałem głos na „ludzi wymyślających dziwne konkursy”. To nie jest powód do dumy, ale gdzie drwa rąbią tam wióry lecą i nikt nie [...]
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PLAY najbardziej androidowym operatorem!
Jedne z najlepszych polskich wortali zajmujących się systemem Android (android.com.pl) zapytał swoich czytelników, który operator jest najbardziej ok z zielonym ludzikiem http://android.com.pl/component/poll/26-najbardziej-androidowym-operatorem-jest.html?time=1293553248 oto wyniki: Bardzo dziękujemy za wyróżnienie! W przyszłym roku nie mamy zamiaru zwalniać i dalej będziemy sprzedawać wszystko co najciekawsze na smartfonowym rynku.. Mam tylko wielką nadzieję, że moi koledzy z działu sprzedaży [...]
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Get Nokia Ovi Suite 3.0
Are you in for some improvements to Nokia Ovi Suite? Looking to update your current version? Go get the latest version of this free application at www.ovi.com/suite. If you currently have Nokia Ovi Suite installed, you can also update the software by selecting Tools > Software updates in the menu…
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Get Nokia Ovi Suite 3.0
Are you in for some improvements to Nokia Ovi Suite? Looking to update your current version? Go get the latest version of this free application at www.ovi.com/suite. If you currently have Nokia Ovi Suite installed, you can also update the software by selecting Tools > Software updates in the menu…
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Top ten polls of 2010
GLOBAL – This year on Nokia Conversations you’ve been voting lots, and on all sorts of subjects from the colour of the Nokia N8 you were planning to buy through to what you expect from MeeGo. So to mark the end of the year, we’ve taken a look back at the top ten most popular polls of the year…
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The 5 most popular Nseries blog posts of 2010
Photo by:
2010’s been a fantastic year for the Nseries blog. We’ve published nearly 300 articles and more than doubled our number of readers. Thanks to you, our articles, competitions and reviews have been commented on over 4000 times and retweeted and shared on Facebook many thousands of times…
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Introducing Mobile Documents – Cloud-boosted push mail and push documents brought to you by Visiarc
Guest-written by Peter Lindgren from Visarc. This is part of a series in which Nokia is inviting the coolest application developers to showcase and pilot their apps at Nokia Beta Labs.Hi, Say hello to the next generation of mobile email. Mobile Documents is the first and only to solve the #1 problem…
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