

Nokia PureView 808: The Black & White Collection [Photos/Video]

Our good friend Patrick Hamilton Walsh from The Phoneographer and is: Nothing but a Nokia recently took his PureView 808 on a short but packed trip to see three cities, in three different countries, in, yes you’ve guessed it, three days! Capturing lots of incredible black and white photos along the way.

“Last week I obtained a Nokia PureView 808 and just by playing around with it I really liked the ‘feel’ of the Black & White images that it could capture. So, as I explored the three cities I continued to to capture images in Black & White, as it just seemed to fit the season”.

Here is a short slideshow of all the photos he took along his travels:

I’m interested to see if any of you can guess the three countries and cities that Patrick visited?!

If you missed Patrick’s Lumia 800 underwater photos then you might want to go diving into the post that Tom Hall wrote recently. How do you think the PureView 808 performed? Let us know in the comments, or on Twitter.

[Image credits: Patrick Hamilton Walsh] 

Źródło: Nokia PureView 808: The Black & White Collection [Photos/Video]

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