

Nokia Lumia 920 – first impressions, unboxings and an awesome OIS test

Nokia Lumia 920 round up

There’s been a lot written on the Nokia Lumia 920 this week, and I’ve made it my job to find the best of it and bring it all to you in one compact package. Yes, it’s round up time.

Let’s begin at the beginning, with an unboxing and some first impressions from Juan Bagnell from Your Tech Report:

With the screen being taken to ‘an entirely new level’ and preformance that has ‘improved significantly’, Juan is a big, big fan of the phone. So there’s Juan’s considered, well-balanced views, and then there’s this (almost as good).

Nokia Lumia 920 first impressions

For further first thoughts (try saying that quickly!) we turn to Daily Mobile’s Kevin Everett and his video:

He doesn’t know what ‘all the hubbub’ was about with other people talking about the weight of the phone, and finds it ‘much zippier’ than previous iterations. Also with the new screen layout he’s able to fit all his previous home screen tiles, but in a lot more compact space.

Finally for today, how about a rather extreme test of the OIS (Optical Image Stabilisation) – strapping the Lumia 920 to the front of a Jeep while off-roading around the sand dunes of Dubai? Mesmerizing and a little…hypnotic.

All part of their Lumia 920 week, and all awesome.

That’s the round up – what do you think? Will you be getting your hands on a Nokia Lumia 920? Anything to ask any of the guys featured here? Pop over to their sites and ask, or let us know here (or on Twitter) and we’ll pass them along :)

[Image credit: Slashgear]

Źródło: Nokia Lumia 920 – first impressions, unboxings and an awesome OIS test

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