

Leaked Sony Ericsson Win Phone 7 Handset?

Sometimes you just can’t beat a good old fashioned rumour accompanied by some leaked pictures so here we go!

What you see here are what are purported to be leaked images of a Sony Ericsson Windows Phone 7 device. Are the pictures real? Well from what I have been able to tell so far the consensus is yes, or at least it could be an early prototype, but the jury is still out so don’t put too much faith in these pictures yet. One source whom I trust is siding on the side of saying they are indeed the real deal, but as I say keep that pinch of salt at the ready.

If they do prove to be real then we have a full blown QWERTY slider from Sony Ericsson,somewhat reminiscent of the X1. Rumours of a Sony Ericsson Windows Phone 7 device have abounded for a while now of course, not the least of which was Julie, but that was thought to have been scrapped. Maybe this is Julie and the pictures are simply old? Maybe it is something new?

One thing that does seem odd here though is Sony Ericsson going down the Windows Phone 7 route after having recently announced the Xperia Play. Why is that odd? Well simply put Sony Ericsson (and Sony) are trying to launch what is essentially a new gaming platform on Android and doesn’t it seem just a little bizzarre that Sony Ericsson should them commit to a platform with a completely separate, and rival, gaming platform?

At any rate enjoy the pictures!

UPDATE: rog confirms my own suspicions that this is indeed an old prototype that has since been cancelled.

[via Unwired View]

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