This Summer we’re bringing the the force to you - LEGO Star Wars The Chronicles of Yoda is now available as an Android exclusive through Xperia Lounge… Sony’s portal to unique entertainment experiences; one-off content, competitions and more…
Combining the two of the most well known super-fanboy obsessions, LEGO and Star Wars, the game follows Yoda in his attempt to save the galaxy from evil.
We recently sat down with one of the brains-behind-the-game, Lukasz Gniwecki (from developer 4T2) to discuss the title, Android development, Star Wars and more -
Check out what he had to say below.
What was your target audience in mind when designing the game?
Our heritage and expertise is in developing games for younger audiences. With LEGO Star Wars, we wanted to build on this – capture the LEGO magic that many people experience in their youth and allow them to re-experience the functionality of toys within the dynamic, action-packed Star Wars mythology. Our intention was to make every level, seem like a different game in itself
Are there any new / key features in the Android version you’re particularly excited about?
More personalities and more open, dynamic environments. The game’s fast-paced with different characters all active together, interacting with a moveable, ever-changing environment. The result? A more immersive… and intergalactic battle experience!
How integral is the port to Android to your overall mobile strategy?
Absolutely crucial – in terms of developing, it’s flexible, efficient and commercially viable.
Can you tell us anything about your future launch roadmap?
That would be telling… but look out for a selection of additional levels including “Geonosis” and “Space Battles” in the not-too-distant future… keep your eyes peeled!
If you could be one Star Wars character, who and why?!
Cad Bane. He is his own boss, sneaky and smart, strong minded, has a tough demeanor and voice, cool looking complexion with jacket and hat that would make Dean Winchester jealous. Lest we forget… he’s a space cowboy. C’mon, what’s not to like?
Źródło: #interview: Xperia Lounge brings LEGO Star Wars exclusively to Xperia users
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