

Draw Something and Words with Friends now available on Nokia Lumia

draw something

As promised back in June, two of the world’s favourite social games, Draw Something and Words with Friends, are now available for all Nokia Lumia devices, whether running Windows Phone 7.5 or Windows Phone 8.

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Download Words with Friends


 Download Draw Something


  1. Press the Search button on your Nokia Lumia and then tap Vision
  2. Scan the QR code
  3. Tap on the link when it appears on the screen
  4. Install the application from the Windows Phone Marketplace

While the games are available for all Windows Phone users, lucky Nokia Lumia users will be able to download the apps for free, for the next two months.

Draw Something is a social drawing game. You’re given a word for your friends to guess, through the medium of a finger-drawn sketch on your Lumia’s screen. It can be played co-operatively with friends, or competitively with rivals. Features include push notifications and colour packs which turn simple doodles into rich masterpieces. So far, the hit game has produced 7bn drawings across the world, and now Lumia owners can join the fun. So start drawing and get your inner artist out!

Words with Friends is a social word game in which you challenge friends, or strangers, to create better words than you on a square grid. In-game chat messaging allows players to easily keep in touch. You are probably quite familiar with the basics of the format. But you get a triple-word score bonus for spelling ‘L-U-M-I-A’ (not really, we’re afraid).

There’s little more to say here. They’re great, world-famous games with millions of players. And they’re free for Nokia Lumia users only a limited time, so grab your copies now and let us know what you think of these titles in the comments.

Źródło: Draw Something and Words with Friends now available on Nokia Lumia

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