

Best Lumia games as voted by you

Best Lumia games

There was a question on the Nokia Facebook page recently asking what your favourite Nokia Lumia game is. The response was incredible. Here’s your Top 5:

Angry Birds

Cost: £0.79/0,99 €/$0.99 in the Marketplace
Availability: Everywhere
In a nutshell: You know what to do…

Best Nokia Lumia games

It has very quickly become a ‘classic’. Simple gameplay and clear graphics make it attractive to the younger audience and the physics of the harder levels make it quite addictive. Load the catapult with a bird, pull back, adjust the angle and let fly at the nasty green pigs who have stolen the eggs. Knock them all from their perches to complete the level.

And as we all know, you can even play the game using a banana, as proved by Advices Media:


Plants vs. Zombies

Cost: £3.99 /4,99 €/$4.99 in the Marketplace
Availability: Everywhere
In a nutshell: Use the plants to defeat the undead

Plants vs. Zombies Nokia Lumia

According to Jay, he

‘got addicted to playing this game as there’s so much to keep you entertained’

His Lumiappaday video review is a comprehensive look at the game, and he also has some written thoughts, along with the blurb from the Marketplace and his score (interesting note from the video – the game loads much faster on the Nokia Lumia 800 than a competitor device).


Cost: Free in the Marketplace
Availability: Everywhere
In a nutshell: Make words from the grid

Best Nokia Lumia games

Adam wrote about Wordament on these very pages in the summer, and having downloaded and played the game in the name of research for this post, I can testify that when he says

‘it really challenges the mind’

he’s not leading you on. I found this to be mentally stimulating and kind of addictive – once I found where I came on the leaderboard, I immediately wanted to play the next game to try and improve. Have you played Wordament? What’s the highest you have come on the leaderboard?

Asphalt 5

Cost: £2.29 /2,99 €/$2.99 in the Marketplace
Availability: Everywhere
In a nutshell: Drive like the wind!

Best Nokia Lumia games

Choose your car and your track and wait for the green light! In his review on WP Central, Daniel Rubino says the game load time is ‘pretty zippy’ and the steering (by tilting, using the accelerometer) is ‘sensitive’ – which means that until you have some practice it could be a bumpy ride. Have you mastered the steering yet? A fan of this or other driving games? Let us know below.


Cost: Free in the Marketplace
Availability: Everywhere
In a nutshell: Classic. Eat to grow. Avoid your tail.

Best Nokia Lumia games

As you can see from this pic, and the one at the top of the post, Snake has been reinvented for the Nokia Lumia family. A classic. No explanation really needed for this one. We love it. Always have, always will.

So does this Top 5 match your favourite Nokia Lumia games? Got any other suggestions that you think will oust one from the list? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.

 Image credits [Cnet,Tech Reviews, Nokia Gadgets, TechProlonged]

Źródło: Best Lumia games as voted by you

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