

Be amongst the first to get SmartBand SWR10, with Xperia Z1 Compact – on us!

Fancy winning two of our newest devices, showcased at this year’s Mobile World Congress?

We’re giving you the chance to get hold of our no-compromise pocket rocket and latest wearable, SmartBand SWR10. Two sleek, unobtrusive Sony devices that were specifically designed to fit YOUR lifestyle.

We’re testing eyes for detail… so all you have to do is: a) Visit (and Like!) the Sony Xperia Facebook page b) watch our Lifelog video and c) answer 2x simple questions about what you’ve just seen…

Be sure to submit your answers by 08:59 GMT/09:59 CET on Monday 17 March 2014 to be entered in to the competition draw.

Drop by our Facebook page for all the official deets – good luck!

Źródło: Be amongst the first to get SmartBand SWR10, with Xperia Z1 Compact – on us!

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