

Meet our October app of the month, LokLok

For the third instalment in our “App of the month” series we present: LokLok, the app that transforms your home screen into a shared whiteboard, keeping you constantly connected to those that matter.

Whether you need to remind your other half to pick up milk, fancy putting a smile on somebody’s face or just Lok Lok in copywant to say “HEY”, LokLok is a fun, easy way to go about it.

The app allows you to create messages using hand drawn text or images – each appears directly on the lock screen of the person you’re sending them to. And, you can share your LokLok screen with up to 5 people at once.

It’s a personal way of staying in touch and brings fun and imagination to the messaging experience. What’s more, with pictures, notes and doodles appearing instantly on your friend’s lock screen, it’s impossible for them to be missed… saving time and simplifying the whole process… just be careful who you let pick up your phone!

Fancy putting your creativity to the test? LokLok is available for Android right now from the Google Play store. Be sure to check it out.

Źródło: Meet our October app of the month, LokLok

Category: Sony Ericsson | Tags: None

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