

Using Tumblr on your Nokia Asha


The Nokia Asha range may be made up of affordable handsets, but it’s amazing what devices like the Nokia Asha 308 and Nokia Asha 205 are capable of doing.

Over the past few months I’ve been using it for everything from blogging to playing my favourite games, but that’s only scratching the surface. Tumblr is another site that you can access and update using Asha phones, and here’s how.

With over 100 million blogs, Tumblr is one of the most popular blogging platforms on the Internet. We’ve already looked at using the Nokia Asha to blog on WordPress, but Tumblr offers something completely different, proving equally good at sharing pictures as it is your thoughts and ideas.

If you haven’t used Tumblr before, all it takes is your email address, a password and a username to get started. It literally takes seconds, and once you’ve created an account it’s time to select the sorts of things you love – be it animals, art, photography or something else – which will let you find other Tumblr blogs of interest.

From Tumblr itself it’s possible to add all sorts to your blog: Text, photographs, quotes, links, chat, audio and video, but you can also add content to your blog straight from your Nokia Asha mobile phone.

The first thing you’ll need to do is log into your account on a regular web browser, and hit the settings button at the top of the page. It looks like a small star, and is located between a question mark icon and a ‘power’ icon.


Scroll down until you see ‘Post by Email’, and you’ll see a unique email address. Click the button below that: ‘Send this address to me’ – this will send the unique Tumblr address to your regular account. Keep this address safe; you’ll need it to make posts from your Asha smartphone.


There’s an incredible amount of things you can add to your Tumblr blog using an email account from your Asha. In fact, everything you can update on a full web browser, you can add to your blog from your Nokia.

Adding text is arguably the easiest thing to try out first. Simply create a new email on your Nokia Asha, and put the unique Tumblr email address as the recipient. If you want a title for your blog post, put it in the subject of the email. Whatever you write in the body copy of the email will appear as the content in the blog itself.


The same process works for photographs, videos and audio files. Add the unique email address, add a subject for the title, and then attach the file you want to appear on your blog post.  Adding multiple photographs to your email will create a photoset on your Tumblr blog. You can add a caption to go with the photograph, video or audio file by adding a subject to the email.


Adding a link is just as easy: simply add the link you want to the body of the email. For a quote, add the quote, but this time you’ll also need to include who the quote is attributed to, as below:


If you want to add chat posts, again just add the text to the body of the email, as below:


You can even add tags to your Tumblr posts, making it easy for your friends, followers and other people to find posts and topics that interest them. To add a tag, simply add the word you want, beginning with a hashtag, at the end of the email. For instance:


Have you been blogging with your Nokia Asha? Let us know in the comments below.

Źródło: Using Tumblr on your Nokia Asha

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