A round up of opinions on the Nokia Lumia 920 from the last few days for you now, all of which make fascinating viewing/reading and we’ll finish with a bang. Literally. Let me take you on a journey.
First up, if you ever wondered just what was inside your Nokia Lumia 920, this video shows you exactly what is ‘under the hood’.
Once you’ve had a good look at the guts, it’s time to get it out of the box and share with everyone what your first impressions are. Which is handily just what Sam has done.
Then you might want to see how it fares against the competition. Sadly, not everyone has two high-end smartphones available to compare, so Cecelia got her hands on a Lumia 920 and an iPhone 5, sharing her findings so you don’t have to. When comparing screens she says it
‘responds to gloves and even fingernails’
and the camera is
‘actually the best smartphone camera we’ve seen this year so far’
concluding that the Nokia Lumia 920 is
‘a brilliant Windows Phone and will do well’
…and wins against the iPhone 5.
Then, sadly, there are always those who want to see exactly how much damage a phone can withstand. Some of these tests might occur in real life if you were careless (or forgot which hand you were pitching baseball with)…others just wouldn’t. There’s no point asking why.
If you have any questions (not for the guys in the last two videos) or if you want to share your own thoughts on the Lumia 920 drop me a comment here or on Twitter and we’ll get them passed on. Also – keep a look out next week for a very special Nokia Lumia 920 round up
Źródło: Lumia 920 reviews and comparisons
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