

How to use Nokia Drive+ Beta

Nokia Drive+ Beta on Nokia Lumia 920 and Lumia 820

Nokia Drive is a must-have app that any driver needs to keep in his or her app arsenal. That’s why owners of the new Nokia Lumia 920 or Lumia 820 will notice a tile on the Start screen encouraging them to download the latest and greatest version, called Nokia Drive+ Beta.

This version delivers some of the features you’ve previously requested the most, such as spoken street names and the ability to select which types of route you wish to use or avoid, like toll roads, ferries, etc. However, because this is still a beta version, My Commute isn’t included, but will be added in a future release.

Additionally, while we are still refining Nokia Drive+, for this Beta version, you must download street maps to get the full experience. This means that you can calculate a route completely offline and if you happen to enter a network/operator blackspot your navigated-journey will continue totally uninterrupted. So, make the most of the download function, following our step-by-step guide:

Set up Nokia Drive

Setting up Nokia Drive for voice navigation is simple to do. Firstly, select and download a suitable language voice file. This is the voice that’ll be telling you which direction to take when you’re driving.

Nokia Drive+ Beta setup Nokia Drive+ Beta voice download

Nokia Drive+ Beta voice downloaded

Manage downloaded maps

The next step is to download the maps. Make sure you connect to Wi-Fi before you do this, then scroll through the country list to find the required map and select it to download it. You can add additional maps at a later date through the maps settings, or just select them all now to safe time later.

Nokia Drive+ Beta downloaded maps Nokia Drive+ Beta choose a continent

Nokia Drive+ Beta North and Central America maps Nokia Drive+ Beta USA maps

Nokia Drive+ Beta download maps Nokia Drive+ Beta downloading map

Nokia Drive+ Beta downloaded new map

All of these settings can be changed when you first set up your phone. However, if you forget, you’ll be prompted to download the offline maps when you start your next journey.

Nokia Drive+ Beta Map download recommendation Nokia Drive+ Beta Map check maps

And, as for selecting which route you want to take, you’ll see here some of the options available.

Nokia Drive+ Beta map route options

What do you think of the new additions to Nokia Drive? Let us know, below.

Źródło: How to use Nokia Drive+ Beta

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