

Manage your calls, messaging and data use with Counters

Manage your calls, messaging and data use with Counters

Keeping track of your monthly allowance of data, SMS and phone calls is tough – we’re all far too busy to be counting up those types of things. New Beta Labs app Counters for Nokia Lumia now keeps a track on these things for you.

Download Counters nowCounters beta QR code

  1. Press the Search button on your Nokia Lumia and then tap Vision
  2. Scan the barcode
  3. Tap on the link when it appears on the screen
  4. Install the application from the Windows Phone Marketplace

When going about your business on your phone it’s important not to go over your allowance. If you do, you’ll end up shelling out more money to the networks next time your bill comes around and nobody wants that to happen (except for the networks, of course).

To stop that from happening you’ll need to let Counters know how many minutes in calls you’re allowed to make, how many text messages you can send and how many MB or GB you’re allowed to use when browsing the Web when not connected to WiFi.

Every time you make a call, send an SMS or use part of your data allowance Counters will minus that from the total, showing what you’ve got left to use.

The usage screen is designed to show you how you much you’re using at a glance using a bar graph-style. The tiles deplete from full to empty depending on how much you’ve used.

For a full breakdown of what you’ve used, you’ll find everything you’ll need to know within the usages tiles. This includes outgoing and incoming data and a list of people you’ve contacted the most.

Counters setup Counters limits
Counters montly calls counter Counters calls top contacts

Counters is a beta app from the Nokia Beta Labs and as such is not entirely finished. All the feedback gathered and given back to the Nokia Beta Labs team will go to make improvements for possible future iterations, so make sure you head over to the Counters page on Nokia Beta Labs to leave them your feedback.

Image credit: Natashi Jay

Źródło: Manage your calls, messaging and data use with Counters

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