Sony are putting a brave face on low sales of PSone games for the newly released Xperia Play. Of the five original titles launched on the Android Marketplace for the handset none have managed to sell more than 1,000 copies since the early April launch.
The actual figures (courtesy of PlayStation LifeStyle) are as follows:
- Cool Boarders 2 – 100-500
- Destruction Derby – 500-1,000
- Jumping Flash – 50-100
- MediEvil- 100-500
- Syphon Filter – 100-500
In a seemingly contradictory statement to the above numbers Dominic Neil-Dwyer, Sony Ericsson’s head of market development, commented that the Xperia Play was ‘shaking up‘ the market.
I think there’s also an awareness thing for people that are getting their hands on the device and where they are choosing to purchase games. There’s only a few, at the minute, PlayStation One titles there, and there’s more coming on a regular basis, and there’s the whole PlayStation as a content provider exclusive to the device, the story about that, that will emerge and people will see.
So, there’s no concerns, it’s a revolutionary device, it’s shaking up the market, we’re very pleased with it. In terms of getting the PlayStation Certified program out, generally, we’re very happy. I think we’ll make a full assessment of if it has achieved our expectations fully, further down the line, so we’re very happy.
It’s perhaps a bit harsh of us to be pointing and shouting ‘FAIL’ this early on of course, but even though the device and its content are just out of the door those sales figures do look alarmingly low. Granted that Neil-Dwyer says more titles will be forthcoming and of course variety is the spice of life.
I did rather wonder at the arguably self-contradictory remark made at the end though where just after saying that ‘there’s no concerns’, Neil-Dwyer then says “… we’ll make a full assessment of if it has achieved our expectations fully, further down the line …“. Why are there no concerns if you are wondering whether or not it will live up to expectations?
[via CVG]
Źródło: Sony Not Bothered By Low Xperia Play PSone Game Sales
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