

Xperia Play Gaming

In my last piece I gave some initial impressions of the Xperia Play from the launch event in Barcelona, but I want to go intoa bit more detail with regards to the software side of things.

We saw a few of the titles that will be available for launch on Sunday night and on the whole they were good. I’m not a gamer by any stretch of the imagination, but I genuinely had fun playing around with them on the Xperia Play (so much so that I had to be asked to give someone else a shot at one point).

Click here to view the embedded video.

Asphalt 6, an arcade racer, was my title of choice for the evening and as I said it was pretty fun. The graphics were good,not at the absolute cutting edge I’d say, but that was to be expected. I heard a few people compare the graphics with the PS2 so take from that what you will. The controls worked great and really got you into the game rather than feeling like this was just another smartphone that has a couple of games on it. The analogue pads in particular were appreciated.

There will be five games pre-installed at launch; Asphalt 6 as I mentioned, Sims 3, Fifa 10, Star Battalion and Bruce Lee (yes it is named just Bruce Lee). They were all good enough fun to play and some of them looked pretty decent too in terms of graphics, but I have to admit to feeling a little underwhelmed at the choice of titles. For example, why Fifa 10 and not 11? That was a sentiment I heard repeated from others on the night, the feeling that even though what was on offer was good enough there should have been some major title on show that really pushed the device and could show off just what it was capable of.

That might sound like me being picky, but the success of the Xperia Play and the platform in general is going to hinge on attracting gamers to the device and you aren’t going to do that without a consistent stable of major titles. As I was leaving

Barcelona I heard from a few sources that more announcements on publishers and games would be made ’soon’, maybe some this week and maybe some within the next few weeks.

One aspect of the games that was drawing a lot of praise was multi-player support, which seems to be device agnostic in the sense that it isn’t limited to Xperia Plays. You can be playing Fifa 10 on your Xbox and your mate can join in from his Xperia play. Pretty sweet. Many of the 50 or so launch titles should support multi-player options.

It’s also interesting to note that Crash Bandicoot is a PS1 title. That should mean we can look forward to more PS1 titles appearing in due course and perhaps titles from other devices (PSP anyone?).

In terms of game pricing Nathan Vautier, the head of Sony Ericsson UK, indicated titles being in the £5-£10 range. He did, however, seem to suggest that we might expect to see titles below the £5 mark although he didn’t say whether this would be at launch or something that might come in later.

Źródło: Xperia Play Gaming

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